Rant against over-prescriptive reward functions
I am talking about the reward functions in AWS Deepracer here.
I recently came across the following 500+ line (!!) reward function which hard codes optimum racing lines.
import math
class Reward:
def __init__(self, verbose=False):
self.first_racingpoint_index = None
self.verbose = verbose
def reward_function(self, params):
# Import package (needed for heading)
import math
################## HELPER FUNCTIONS ###################
def dist_2_points(x1, x2, y1, y2):
return abs(abs(x1-x2)**2 + abs(y1-y2)**2)**0.5
def closest_2_racing_points_index(racing_coords, car_coords):
# Calculate all distances to racing points
distances = []
for i in range(len(racing_coords)):
distance = dist_2_points(x1=racing_coords[i][0], x2=car_coords[0],
y1=racing_coords[i][1], y2=car_coords[1])
# Get index of the closest racing point
closest_index = distances.index(min(distances))
# Get index of the second closest racing point
distances_no_closest = distances.copy()
distances_no_closest[closest_index] = 999
second_closest_index = distances_no_closest.index(
return [closest_index, second_closest_index]
def dist_to_racing_line(closest_coords, second_closest_coords, car_coords):
# Calculate the distances between 2 closest racing points
a = abs(dist_2_points(x1=closest_coords[0],
# Distances between car and closest and second closest racing point
b = abs(dist_2_points(x1=car_coords[0],
c = abs(dist_2_points(x1=car_coords[0],
# Calculate distance between car and racing line (goes through 2 closest racing points)
# try-except in case a=0 (rare bug in DeepRacer)
distance = abs(-(a**4) + 2*(a**2)*(b**2) + 2*(a**2)*(c**2) -
(b**4) + 2*(b**2)*(c**2) - (c**4))**0.5 / (2*a)
distance = b
return distance
# Calculate which one of the closest racing points is the next one and which one the previous one
def next_prev_racing_point(closest_coords, second_closest_coords, car_coords, heading):
# Virtually set the car more into the heading direction
heading_vector = [math.cos(math.radians(
heading)), math.sin(math.radians(heading))]
new_car_coords = [car_coords[0]+heading_vector[0],
# Calculate distance from new car coords to 2 closest racing points
distance_closest_coords_new = dist_2_points(x1=new_car_coords[0],
distance_second_closest_coords_new = dist_2_points(x1=new_car_coords[0],
if distance_closest_coords_new <= distance_second_closest_coords_new:
next_point_coords = closest_coords
prev_point_coords = second_closest_coords
next_point_coords = second_closest_coords
prev_point_coords = closest_coords
return [next_point_coords, prev_point_coords]
def racing_direction_diff(closest_coords, second_closest_coords, car_coords, heading):
# Calculate the direction of the center line based on the closest waypoints
next_point, prev_point = next_prev_racing_point(closest_coords,
# Calculate the direction in radius, arctan2(dy, dx), the result is (-pi, pi) in radians
track_direction = math.atan2(
next_point[1] - prev_point[1], next_point[0] - prev_point[0])
# Convert to degree
track_direction = math.degrees(track_direction)
# Calculate the difference between the track direction and the heading direction of the car
direction_diff = abs(track_direction - heading)
if direction_diff > 180:
direction_diff = 360 - direction_diff
return direction_diff
# Gives back indexes that lie between start and end index of a cyclical list
# (start index is included, end index is not)
def indexes_cyclical(start, end, array_len):
if end < start:
end += array_len
return [index % array_len for index in range(start, end)]
# Calculate how long car would take for entire lap, if it continued like it did until now
def projected_time(first_index, closest_index, step_count, times_list):
# Calculate how much time has passed since start
current_actual_time = (step_count-1) / 15
# Calculate which indexes were already passed
indexes_traveled = indexes_cyclical(first_index, closest_index, len(times_list))
# Calculate how much time should have passed if car would have followed optimals
current_expected_time = sum([times_list[i] for i in indexes_traveled])
# Calculate how long one entire lap takes if car follows optimals
total_expected_time = sum(times_list)
# Calculate how long car would take for entire lap, if it continued like it did until now
projected_time = (current_actual_time/current_expected_time) * total_expected_time
projected_time = 9999
return projected_time
#################### RACING LINE ######################
# Optimal racing line for the Spain track
# Each row: [x,y,speed,timeFromPreviousPoint]
racing_track = [[0.34775, -2.173, 4.0, 0.07904],
[0.03162, -2.17293, 4.0, 0.07903],
[-0.28452, -2.17311, 4.0, 0.07904],
[-0.60066, -2.17318, 4.0, 0.07903],
[-0.91682, -2.17293, 4.0, 0.07904],
[-1.23295, -2.17295, 4.0, 0.07903],
[-1.54907, -2.17315, 4.0, 0.07903],
[-1.86524, -2.17319, 4.0, 0.07904],
[-2.18141, -2.17303, 4.0, 0.07904],
[-2.49703, -2.17286, 4.0, 0.07891],
[-2.81231, -2.17287, 3.67826, 0.08571],
[-3.12023, -2.17178, 3.36387, 0.09154],
[-3.40832, -2.16639, 3.11746, 0.09243],
[-3.67315, -2.15481, 2.91304, 0.091],
[-3.91587, -2.13615, 2.74019, 0.08884],
[-4.13906, -2.11004, 2.59065, 0.08674],
[-4.34538, -2.07631, 2.46067, 0.08496],
[-4.53716, -2.03485, 2.34319, 0.08374],
[-4.71631, -1.98551, 2.23387, 0.08318],
[-4.88433, -1.92804, 2.13488, 0.08318],
[-5.04235, -1.86205, 2.13488, 0.08021],
[-5.19122, -1.78697, 2.13488, 0.0781],
[-5.33151, -1.70198, 2.13488, 0.07683],
[-5.46347, -1.60589, 2.13488, 0.07646],
[-5.587, -1.49694, 2.50447, 0.06576],
[-5.70146, -1.37258, 3.07226, 0.05501],
[-5.80898, -1.23583, 4.0, 0.04349],
[-5.91154, -1.09012, 4.0, 0.04455],
[-6.01148, -0.9397, 4.0, 0.04515],
[-6.0995, -0.80946, 4.0, 0.0393],
[-6.18728, -0.68165, 4.0, 0.03876],
[-6.27492, -0.55603, 4.0, 0.03829],
[-6.36252, -0.43242, 4.0, 0.03788],
[-6.45016, -0.31068, 4.0, 0.0375],
[-6.5379, -0.19068, 4.0, 0.03716],
[-6.6258, -0.07232, 4.0, 0.03686],
[-6.71393, 0.04449, 4.0, 0.03658],
[-6.80234, 0.15983, 4.0, 0.03633],
[-6.89109, 0.27378, 3.71387, 0.03889],
[-6.98023, 0.3864, 3.03045, 0.0474],
[-7.06985, 0.49777, 2.61858, 0.05459],
[-7.16, 0.60792, 2.33605, 0.06093],
[-7.34242, 0.82509, 2.33605, 0.12141],
[-7.51721, 1.0459, 2.33605, 0.12055],
[-7.67697, 1.27353, 2.33168, 0.11927],
[-7.81458, 1.51025, 2.2637, 0.12095],
[-7.92294, 1.75686, 2.19952, 0.12247],
[-7.99486, 2.012, 2.13463, 0.12418],
[-8.03258, 2.27135, 2.13463, 0.12278],
[-8.03667, 2.53161, 2.13463, 0.12194],
[-8.00552, 2.78942, 2.13463, 0.12165],
[-7.93746, 3.04073, 2.13463, 0.12197],
[-7.83093, 3.28049, 2.30799, 0.11368],
[-7.68478, 3.50219, 2.41869, 0.10979],
[-7.50619, 3.70355, 2.54606, 0.10571],
[-7.2994, 3.88253, 2.68781, 0.10175],
[-7.0684, 4.03801, 2.85105, 0.09767],
[-6.81682, 4.16957, 3.04632, 0.09319],
[-6.54806, 4.27741, 3.28731, 0.08809],
[-6.26528, 4.36241, 3.59377, 0.08216],
[-5.97143, 4.42617, 4.0, 0.07517],
[-5.6692, 4.47093, 3.70808, 0.0824],
[-5.36095, 4.49949, 3.02882, 0.10221],
[-5.04869, 4.51517, 2.62147, 0.11926],
[-4.73409, 4.5216, 2.34382, 0.13426],
[-4.41918, 4.52269, 2.13877, 0.14724],
[-4.14695, 4.51532, 1.97844, 0.13765],
[-3.91151, 4.49653, 1.84539, 0.12799],
[-3.7048, 4.4656, 1.7342, 0.12052],
[-3.5217, 4.4226, 1.63402, 0.1151],
[-3.35902, 4.36803, 1.45633, 0.11782],
[-3.21485, 4.30258, 1.45633, 0.10872],
[-3.08807, 4.22706, 1.45633, 0.10133],
[-2.97818, 4.14236, 1.45633, 0.09527],
[-2.88509, 4.04944, 1.45633, 0.09031],
[-2.80911, 3.94939, 1.45892, 0.08612],
[-2.75307, 3.84294, 1.45892, 0.08245],
[-2.71495, 3.73266, 1.51194, 0.07717],
[-2.69466, 3.62029, 1.56647, 0.07289],
[-2.69044, 3.5075, 1.62279, 0.06955],
[-2.7009, 3.39547, 1.68465, 0.06679],
[-2.72498, 3.28512, 1.75006, 0.06454],
[-2.76177, 3.17716, 1.82263, 0.06258],
[-2.81056, 3.0722, 1.89343, 0.06113],
[-2.87069, 2.97075, 1.99628, 0.05908],
[-2.94169, 2.87328, 2.11279, 0.05708],
[-3.02285, 2.78011, 2.24716, 0.05499],
[-3.11347, 2.69144, 2.40949, 0.05261],
[-3.21279, 2.6074, 2.60909, 0.04987],
[-3.32, 2.52796, 2.86347, 0.0466],
[-3.43416, 2.45293, 2.6432, 0.05169],
[-3.55428, 2.38197, 2.17238, 0.06422],
[-3.67924, 2.31457, 1.8861, 0.07527],
[-3.80787, 2.25006, 1.68759, 0.08527],
[-3.93614, 2.18893, 1.53879, 0.09234],
[-4.06004, 2.12529, 1.41938, 0.09813],
[-4.17613, 2.05724, 1.41938, 0.09481],
[-4.28186, 1.98342, 1.41938, 0.09085],
[-4.37538, 1.90299, 1.41938, 0.0869],
[-4.4553, 1.81542, 1.41938, 0.08353],
[-4.52032, 1.72028, 1.53686, 0.07498],
[-4.56869, 1.61687, 1.59239, 0.07169],
[-4.60276, 1.50645, 1.65207, 0.06995],
[-4.62264, 1.38906, 1.71608, 0.06939],
[-4.62773, 1.26433, 1.78799, 0.06982],
[-4.61657, 1.13147, 1.86957, 0.07131],
[-4.58656, 0.9891, 1.96042, 0.07422],
[-4.5332, 0.83495, 2.05988, 0.07919],
[-4.4483, 0.6652, 2.16004, 0.08787],
[-4.31593, 0.47389, 2.19343, 0.10606],
[-4.1156, 0.26497, 2.22222, 0.13025],
[-3.87159, 0.0865, 2.24818, 0.13447],
[-3.61395, -0.04165, 2.27402, 0.12654],
[-3.36566, -0.12046, 2.29642, 0.11344],
[-3.13683, -0.1602, 2.31769, 0.10021],
[-2.927, -0.17127, 2.33883, 0.08984],
[-2.73327, -0.16075, 2.35863, 0.08226],
[-2.55287, -0.13312, 2.37286, 0.07691],
[-2.38357, -0.09112, 2.38661, 0.07309],
[-2.22372, -0.0364, 2.39352, 0.07059],
[-2.07202, 0.03012, 2.3947, 0.06917],
[-1.92748, 0.10816, 2.3947, 0.06859],
[-1.78927, 0.19798, 2.64412, 0.06234],
[-1.65666, 0.3006, 2.78442, 0.06022],
[-1.52811, 0.41511, 2.94568, 0.05844],
[-1.40281, 0.54205, 3.13542, 0.05689],
[-1.28, 0.68231, 3.36467, 0.05541],
[-1.15892, 0.83709, 3.6421, 0.05395],
[-1.03877, 1.00792, 4.0, 0.05221],
[-0.91862, 1.19676, 3.68404, 0.06076],
[-0.79737, 1.40593, 2.94366, 0.08213],
[-0.67367, 1.63804, 2.51931, 0.1044],
[-0.54587, 1.8957, 2.23675, 0.12859],
[-0.41214, 2.1805, 2.03055, 0.15495],
[-0.27186, 2.45834, 1.86713, 0.1667],
[-0.11843, 2.71914, 1.73627, 0.17427],
[0.05252, 2.95406, 1.73627, 0.16733],
[0.24282, 3.1558, 1.73627, 0.15973],
[0.4523, 3.31851, 1.73627, 0.15277],
[0.6794, 3.4369, 1.73627, 0.1475],
[0.92148, 3.50479, 1.95437, 0.12864],
[1.17407, 3.51372, 2.11404, 0.11956],
[1.42993, 3.47367, 2.31717, 0.11176],
[1.68478, 3.38833, 2.5896, 0.10378],
[1.9352, 3.26155, 2.98246, 0.09411],
[2.1787, 3.09844, 3.62855, 0.08077],
[2.41403, 2.90595, 4.0, 0.07601],
[2.64178, 2.69291, 4.0, 0.07796],
[2.86447, 2.46933, 4.0, 0.07889],
[3.08676, 2.2447, 3.22907, 0.09787],
[3.30934, 2.02005, 2.65999, 0.11889],
[3.53187, 1.79508, 2.31065, 0.13695],
[3.75427, 1.56983, 2.06878, 0.15301],
[3.97641, 1.34721, 1.88874, 0.16651],
[4.19715, 1.14479, 1.74488, 0.17164],
[4.41321, 0.97574, 1.62782, 0.16853],
[4.61966, 0.84634, 1.53154, 0.15909],
[4.81352, 0.75553, 1.44494, 0.14816],
[4.99381, 0.69892, 1.36805, 0.13812],
[5.16051, 0.67175, 1.3, 0.12993],
[5.31387, 0.67004, 1.3, 0.11798],
[5.45403, 0.69082, 1.3, 0.10899],
[5.58085, 0.73199, 1.3, 0.10257],
[5.69365, 0.79243, 1.3, 0.09844],
[5.79096, 0.87188, 1.37873, 0.09112],
[5.87004, 0.97096, 1.47004, 0.08624],
[5.93072, 1.08736, 1.57685, 0.08325],
[5.97211, 1.21983, 1.71094, 0.08111],
[5.99266, 1.36774, 1.88391, 0.07927],
[5.99044, 1.5307, 2.12066, 0.07685],
[5.96345, 1.70826, 2.46894, 0.07274],
[5.91045, 1.89955, 2.27125, 0.0874],
[5.83221, 2.10287, 2.02895, 0.10737],
[5.7335, 2.31514, 1.85064, 0.1265],
[5.63686, 2.50726, 1.70721, 0.12597],
[5.55635, 2.69304, 1.59134, 0.12724],
[5.49578, 2.87069, 1.4939, 0.12564],
[5.45645, 3.03926, 1.40987, 0.12278],
[5.4382, 3.19832, 1.33463, 0.11996],
[5.44032, 3.34759, 1.33463, 0.11186],
[5.46216, 3.48672, 1.33463, 0.10552],
[5.50334, 3.61508, 1.33463, 0.101],
[5.56401, 3.73161, 1.33463, 0.09844],
[5.64513, 3.83446, 1.65679, 0.07906],
[5.74889, 3.92024, 1.73875, 0.07743],
[5.86816, 3.99315, 1.83096, 0.07635],
[6.00303, 4.05237, 1.93405, 0.07616],
[6.15417, 4.09658, 2.05482, 0.07664],
[6.32298, 4.12377, 2.19828, 0.07778],
[6.5118, 4.13106, 2.31507, 0.08162],
[6.72455, 4.11405, 2.29787, 0.09288],
[6.96924, 4.06504, 2.27981, 0.10946],
[7.23605, 3.97246, 2.25811, 0.12507],
[7.43782, 3.87107, 2.2331, 0.10112],
[7.60293, 3.76378, 2.20505, 0.0893],
[7.74238, 3.65197, 2.20505, 0.08106],
[7.86188, 3.5364, 2.20505, 0.07539],
[7.96479, 3.41757, 2.20505, 0.07129],
[8.05322, 3.29577, 2.20505, 0.06826],
[8.12853, 3.17115, 2.38864, 0.06096],
[8.19155, 3.04381, 2.59316, 0.05479],
[8.2447, 2.91427, 2.85739, 0.049],
[8.28972, 2.78301, 3.21281, 0.04319],
[8.32812, 2.65059, 3.74461, 0.03682],
[8.3613, 2.51757, 4.0, 0.03427],
[8.39063, 2.38441, 4.0, 0.03409],
[8.41744, 2.25135, 4.0, 0.03393],
[8.44605, 2.11888, 4.0, 0.03388],
[8.47641, 1.98572, 4.0, 0.03414],
[8.5082, 1.85198, 4.0, 0.03437],
[8.54111, 1.71779, 4.0, 0.03454],
[8.57477, 1.58329, 3.88727, 0.03567],
[8.60883, 1.44862, 3.55754, 0.03905],
[8.64619, 1.29642, 3.29481, 0.04757],
[8.68404, 1.13291, 3.10924, 0.05398],
[8.72093, 0.95736, 2.94774, 0.06086],
[8.7547, 0.77082, 2.8059, 0.06756],
[8.78272, 0.57589, 2.67642, 0.07358],
[8.80238, 0.37615, 2.55908, 0.07843],
[8.81154, 0.17535, 2.45225, 0.08197],
[8.80892, -0.0233, 2.35362, 0.08441],
[8.79385, -0.21739, 2.26053, 0.08612],
[8.76608, -0.40519, 2.17117, 0.08744],
[8.72555, -0.58546, 2.0881, 0.08848],
[8.67236, -0.75727, 2.0881, 0.08613],
[8.60661, -0.91991, 2.0881, 0.08401],
[8.52835, -1.07276, 2.0881, 0.08224],
[8.43746, -1.2152, 2.0881, 0.08092],
[8.33356, -1.34653, 2.27364, 0.07365],
[8.2158, -1.4659, 2.37408, 0.07063],
[8.08601, -1.57512, 2.48104, 0.06837],
[7.94437, -1.67477, 2.60203, 0.06655],
[7.79071, -1.76521, 2.73873, 0.0651],
[7.62452, -1.84667, 2.8987, 0.06385],
[7.44497, -1.91922, 3.0896, 0.06268],
[7.25094, -1.98282, 3.32007, 0.0615],
[7.04109, -2.03732, 3.60931, 0.06007],
[6.81386, -2.08251, 3.98257, 0.05817],
[6.56783, -2.11817, 4.0, 0.06215],
[6.30214, -2.14423, 4.0, 0.06674],
[6.01745, -2.16104, 4.0, 0.0713],
[5.71684, -2.16974, 4.0, 0.07518],
[5.40604, -2.17253, 4.0, 0.0777],
[5.08989, -2.17261, 4.0, 0.07904],
[4.77373, -2.173, 4.0, 0.07904],
[4.45759, -2.17311, 4.0, 0.07903],
[4.14147, -2.17298, 4.0, 0.07903],
[3.82532, -2.17289, 4.0, 0.07904],
[3.50917, -2.17299, 4.0, 0.07904],
[3.19303, -2.17314, 4.0, 0.07903],
[2.87689, -2.1731, 4.0, 0.07904],
[2.56075, -2.17295, 4.0, 0.07903],
[2.2446, -2.17299, 4.0, 0.07904],
[1.92847, -2.17312, 4.0, 0.07903],
[1.61233, -2.17306, 4.0, 0.07904],
[1.29618, -2.17296, 4.0, 0.07904],
[0.98004, -2.17304, 4.0, 0.07903],
[0.6639, -2.17313, 4.0, 0.07904]]
################## INPUT PARAMETERS ###################
# Read all input parameters
all_wheels_on_track = params['all_wheels_on_track']
x = params['x']
y = params['y']
distance_from_center = params['distance_from_center']
is_left_of_center = params['is_left_of_center']
heading = params['heading']
progress = params['progress']
steps = params['steps']
speed = params['speed']
steering_angle = params['steering_angle']
track_width = params['track_width']
waypoints = params['waypoints']
closest_waypoints = params['closest_waypoints']
is_offtrack = params['is_offtrack']
############### OPTIMAL X,Y,SPEED,TIME ################
# Get closest indexes for racing line (and distances to all points on racing line)
closest_index, second_closest_index = closest_2_racing_points_index(
racing_track, [x, y])
# Get optimal [x, y, speed, time] for closest and second closest index
optimals = racing_track[closest_index]
optimals_second = racing_track[second_closest_index]
# Save first racingpoint of episode for later
if self.verbose == True:
self.first_racingpoint_index = 0 # this is just for testing purposes
if steps == 1:
self.first_racingpoint_index = closest_index
################ REWARD AND PUNISHMENT ################
## Define the default reward ##
reward = 1
## Reward if car goes close to optimal racing line ##
dist = dist_to_racing_line(optimals[0:2], optimals_second[0:2], [x, y])
distance_reward = max(1e-3, 1 - (dist/(track_width*0.5)))
reward += distance_reward * DISTANCE_MULTIPLE
## Reward if speed is close to optimal speed ##
speed_diff = abs(optimals[2]-speed)
if speed_diff <= SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD:
# we use quadratic punishment (not linear) bc we're not as confident with the optimal speed
# so, we do not punish small deviations from optimal speed
speed_reward = (1 - (speed_diff/(SPEED_DIFF_NO_REWARD))**2)**2
speed_reward = 0
reward += speed_reward * SPEED_MULTIPLE
# Reward if less steps
times_list = [row[3] for row in racing_track]
projected_time = projected_time(self.first_racingpoint_index, closest_index, steps, times_list)
steps_prediction = projected_time * 15 + 1
reward_prediction = max(1e-3, (-REWARD_PER_STEP_FOR_FASTEST_TIME*(FASTEST_TIME) /
steps_reward = min(REWARD_PER_STEP_FOR_FASTEST_TIME, reward_prediction / steps_prediction)
steps_reward = 0
reward += steps_reward
# Zero reward if obviously wrong direction (e.g. spin)
direction_diff = racing_direction_diff(
optimals[0:2], optimals_second[0:2], [x, y], heading)
if direction_diff > 30:
reward = 1e-3
# Zero reward of obviously too slow
speed_diff_zero = optimals[2]-speed
if speed_diff_zero > 0.5:
reward = 1e-3
## Incentive for finishing the lap in less steps ##
REWARD_FOR_FASTEST_TIME = 1500 # should be adapted to track length and other rewards
STANDARD_TIME = 37 # seconds (time that is easily done by model)
FASTEST_TIME = 27 # seconds (best time of 1st place on the track)
if progress == 100:
finish_reward = max(1e-3, (-REWARD_FOR_FASTEST_TIME /
finish_reward = 0
reward += finish_reward
## Zero reward if off track ##
if all_wheels_on_track == False:
reward = 1e-3
####################### VERBOSE #######################
if self.verbose == True:
print("Closest index: %i" % closest_index)
print("Distance to racing line: %f" % dist)
print("=== Distance reward (w/out multiple): %f ===" % (distance_reward))
print("Optimal speed: %f" % optimals[2])
print("Speed difference: %f" % speed_diff)
print("=== Speed reward (w/out multiple): %f ===" % speed_reward)
print("Direction difference: %f" % direction_diff)
print("Predicted time: %f" % projected_time)
print("=== Steps reward: %f ===" % steps_reward)
print("=== Finish reward: %f ===" % finish_reward)
#################### RETURN REWARD ####################
# Always return a float value
return float(reward)
reward_object = Reward() # add parameter verbose=True to get noisy output for testing
def reward_function(params):
return reward_object.reward_function(params)
Now take a look at the following video using my reward function which is 30+ lines and does not hard code any racing line.
Compare the racing line that the agent takes in the video with a optimum racing line for this track (ref: https://github.com/cdthompson/deepracer-k1999-race-lines):
You will see that my agent does seem to follow this optimum race line, especially the way it hugs the corners of the 1st, 3rd and 4th left turns. In fact, in the 2nd lap, it looses control and goes off track while trying to hug the last (4th left) turn.
Therefore, if you engineer the right kind of reward function, then the agent will discover the optimum race line on its own…you don’t have to hard code it!